Introducing our new Data Generator tool for effortless app data creation and population

The data generator tool streamlines the process of creating and populating app data & data sources. It provides users with a convenient and efficient way to generate custom datasets, populate databases, and seamlessly drop this information into formatted lists and forms for further use.

How do I use this screen template?
Start by adding this screen template to your app and following the instructions below.

How to use:

  1. Complete the form within the screen. You may refer to the pre-set examples to guide you through the process.
  2. Optionally, select to create a form and list screen. This will allow you to manage and view your data set.
  3. After filling out the form, submit it for processing.
  4. Once you have submitted the form and the data is processed, follow these steps:
  5. Open the Datasource to view the generated content.
  6. Navigate to the “{Name}-list” screen to see the data displayed in a list format.
  7. Navigate to the “{Name}-form” screen to see the created form.
    Note: The technology may make mistakes. The purpose of this feature is to help you to get started with new data sets. You may need to make adjustments to the output.

What does this screen template do?
This tool allows users to generate sample app content, create a form for managing this content, and simultaneously build a list screen for viewing the newly generated data.

How do I customize this screen template?
You can use this with your data, or use the developer options (the </> icon on the far right menu in Edit mode) and modify the JS code, including the AI prompt.