Generate leads, educate and engage using mobile apps

Hi Fliplet Community!

You’re invited to a webinar that will help you ‘Generate leads, educate and engage using mobile apps’.

For this webinar, Fliplet tech experts Samantha Jefferies and Sophie Carrington will help you visualize the unlimited possibilities for marketing teams to use an unlimited number of apps to engage, educate and transform their marketing activities.

You want to achieve ROI, lead generation and more; learn how the Fliplet self-serve platform can enable your team to rapidly build apps to achieve this. We’ll delve into:

:question: What is Fliplet
:thinking: The challenges marketing teams face
:bulb: Why customers use Fliplet to solve them
:white_check_mark: The marketing template and features you need to know
:chart_with_upwards_trend: Recent case studies with results
:1st_place_medal: How apps give organizations the competitive edge

Date: Thursday 31 March 2022
Time: 8.30-9.00am PT / 11.30am-12 pm ET / 4.30-5pm UK

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