New screen template launched: Bulk delete app screens

We’ve launched a brand new, Fliplet Studio only, screen template to help you delete one or multiple app screens in one go!

How do I use this screen template?
Please note that this screen template can only be used in Fliplet Studio and should not be visible to users in the live app.
You can use this screen to delete one or multiple app screens, tick the desired options below, and submit the form.
Note that this action cannot be undone.

What does this screen template do?
This screen template easily allows you to delete one or multiple app screens in one go simply by selecting the desired screens and submitting the form using Fliplet Studio’s preview mode.

How do I customize this screen template?
Simply add it to your app and it’s ready to use! As this is a Fliplet Studio only screen you don’t need to worry about updating the form content.
Do not change the form configurations in the form settings. The only options you can update without breaking functionality are the form submit options. You can modify it to navigate to another screen, or you may change the form confirmation message. For more information on how to update the form component, refer to this article.

Note that if you accidentally delete a screen this cannot be undone.