I have an LFD with data.
What I would like to do is have a way of displaying that data inside another LFD.
Is this possible?
I have an LFD with data.
What I would like to do is have a way of displaying that data inside another LFD.
Is this possible?
I have this question as well. Here’s what I’d like to do:
I have a member directory.
Each member can place ads which are visible on a different screen (two data sources).
I want to be able to show links to a member’s ads inside of their member directory overlay popup.
I would also like to do the reverse. Show a clickable link to the member’s directory listing at the bottom of their ad.
The idea behind this is to put a link/button in the directory detail view (overlay). This link will apply navigate to the other page and apply a query parameter and hence filter the LFD on the other side.
Docs for reference:
This will require small changes to the component HTML of the LFD. An example of adding a button to the detail view:
<div class="btn btn-primary view-ads" id = {{this.originalData.Email}}>View ads</div>
This can be inserted after:
<div class="small-card-details-holder">
in the detail template in the component HTML.
Then under developer options > javascript:
$(document).on('click', '.btn.btn-primary.view-ads' ,function(){
Fliplet.Navigate.screen(Ads, { query: '?dynamicListFilterColumn=Email&dynamicListFilterValue=' + $(this).attr('id')});
This click event will navigate to the ‘Ads’ page with apply a filter to search under the Email column and value of the Email set in the card that was clicked on. It is likely you will need to change the screen names and filtering columns and values.