I’m using this code on another Directory screen, and it formats the photos to the size I want when the overlay pops up.
I’m trying to use the same code for the Featured List Screen. The code works for the overlay for the directory list at the bottom of the page, but it doesn’t seem to work for the Featured List overlays.
/This section formats the logo image on the detail screen for screen sizes up 500px/ @media screen and (max-width: 500px){
new-small-card-list-container .small-card-list-detail-image, .small-card-detail-wrapper .small-card-list-detail-image{
/background-size: 383px,518px, cover;/
max-width:100% !important;
max-height:75% !important;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
It sounds like for the featured list you want to fix the image in the detail view only. Remove the code I mentioned in my original answer and use this:
This will only adjust the features list overlay image height. 50vh means 50% of the screen height. Feel free to play around with this number till it looks correct to you.